Where I am writing (and where I am not)
Things have been quiet around here lately.
A couple months ago, I was invited by our parish to begin contributing to its new blog, one facet of a brand-new media evangelization ministry. The blog was finally launched last week, joining several other resources — everything from homilies to the video series, “Coffee with the Collars” — that are bringing faith out into the community, reaching people where they are when they’re not in the pews. If you want to know why I love our parish, this intro video the media ministry just produced pretty much sums it up (see if you can spot a Wilkens!). You can find the parish blog here and my contributions here.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6v1MvJ_svU]
Our homeschool group is also beginning a new phase of growth. An ambitious new phase of growth. A seemingly impossible, ridiculously bold phase of growth. And this growth requires things like writing applications for grants and new content for websites, and so I’ve become a part of that effort too.
And, of course, there’s that book I threatened to write. The book appears to actually be happening — not in any actual, someone has offered to publish it sense — but at any rate, it wants to be written, and I am attempting to write it, and so far I am 67,000 words deep with quite a bit of steam left (and ground left to cover) so it will maaaaaaaaaybe also require some extensive editing, maybe? But then again, Moby Dick and The Brothers Karamazov did really well, so maybe not.
In the meantime, I’m gathering and posting little tidbits and snippets related to special needs, parenting, and faith over on the Faithful, Not Successful Facebook page. I encourage you to join me over there if you haven’t yet. I have a lot of funny Internet memes to show you. It’s important work.
These have all been fun projects in their particular ways. Some are grueling and hair-pulling, some are less so. But they are all distractions from what’s going on here, and it may be quiet for a while.
At least until three weeks from now, when I head to Lourdes again with yet another child, for yet another round of story-gathering and miracle-witnessing.
Stay tuned…
So busy! Thanks for the update; I look forward to hearing how these little things continue to develop. <3