About ChriSty

Christy Wilkens

I am Christy Wilkens, wife to a tremendously patient and tender husband, Todd, and the mother of six tireless (no, seriously: tireless) children. I love philosophy, breakfast tacos, quiet reading in the wee hours, and Jesus.

We live in a tumbledown farmhouse on five unkempt acres. I drive a 12-passenger van. We fulfill every stereotype you have about orthodox Catholics.

Except the one about a perfect faith life.

We are, as a priest once put it, an “intense” family. Several of us live with disabilities both overt and invisible. We laugh a lot. We yell a lot. We hug a lot, and cry a lot, and we try and usually fail to pray a lot. It is a work in progress.

I write to tell the story of our attempts to be faithful — to God and to each other — even though we are so rarely completely successful.

And I hope you find yourself in some part of our story, because he’s calling you to be faithful, too, even when you’re stumbling through the darkness.

Wilkens Family portrait
Christy Wilkens

Christy Wilkens is a Catholic wife, mother, nurse, and author of Awakening at Lourdes: How an Unanswered Prayer Restored Our Faith. She is a Dame of Magistral Grace in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a lay religious organization she and her husband joined after the 2017 pilgrimage with their youngest son, described in her book.

Christy serves as a lector at her parish, a peer minister for Be Not Afraid, and a member of the Order of Malta's medical team and communications committee. She has appeared on Catholic Faith Network, Sirius XM's Catholic Channel, Many Hail Marys at a Time, Ave Maria Radio, and The Jennifer Fulwiler Show. Her writing has been featured at CatholicMom.com, Blessed Is She, and Accepting the Gift.

Wilkens earned her bachelor’s degree from Rice University, a master’s degree from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and a nursing degree from Texas A&M University.