I first took to the stage at age 5 as a rabbit/tree/moon in a local production of The Velveteen Rabbit, and I haven’t stopped since. Even though I’m an introvert, I love a good story and I know how to tell one.
I have spoken to retreats and groups around the South and have been a guest on regional and national outlets including The Jennifer Fulwiler Show on Sirius XM radio, Kresta in the Afternoon on EWTN, and the Ave Explores podcast from Ave Maria Press.
I’d love to talk to your group, too! Check out my media clips below and contact me to save the date.
Suggested Topics
- Raising children with physical and intellectual disabilities, neurodiversity, giftedness, and twice-exceptionality (2E)
- Strengthening a marriage that is struggling with the pressure of caregiving
- Working with parishes to increase access to sacraments and ministry for members with disabilities
- What the Church has to say about disability, healing, and the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable
- Reversion to the Catholic faith (after 10 years away)
- Radical abandonment to the will of God
- Discernment in times of doubt
- Talking about the faith with intellectually gifted children who question EVERYTHING
- Visiting Lourdes, as both a pilgrim and a volunteer
- The Order of Malta and its work in the United States today
- Maintaining good relationships with friends and family who disagree with your approach to faith
Media ClipS
Lourdes Novena with Fr. Edward Looney
(Feb. 5, 2021) I discussed my forthcoming book, unanswered prayers, and the Order of Malta with Father Edward Looney of the Diocese of Green Bay.

His Beloved of Texas podcast, Episode 15
(Feb. 4, 2021) I spoke with Megan and Kendra about chasing the whispers of God in my life, from my reversion to Catholicism at age 25 to a missed opportunity in Minnesota, all the way through to our Lourdes healing. Listen on the episode webpage.
Catholic Phoenix podcast, Episode 94
(July 14, 2017) My husband Todd and I spoke with Doug Connolly shortly after our Lourdes pilgrimage with Oscar, when we were just beginning to make sense of the graces we had received. Listen on the episode webpage.